Monday, January 22, 2007

1st post.

Heres my long awaited 1st post of 2007... 2007 started well wif the vivo countdown.. nothing of the previous post i written. though the money is little. i had my share of fun. haha.. 2007 has come and 22 days passed us by just like whooooooooosh! which also means my exams are swooshing pass sooner den eva! im kinda worried man.. hmm.. but worried also no use.. be a mugger lor..

2007 is kinda boring.. mundane stuff.. nothing much to tell.. but yesterday i did something dat i never do b4.. i volunteered. wow. and its not for CIP points. hahaha. i went to mann fatt lim, a temple in tanah merah. they had a 'give rice to old ppl' activity which required volunteers. it was audrey who asked me to do it. but i gladly agreed. haha. it was an eye opner for me.. u noe u watch hong kong serials. their corridor where both sides also got house one.. and the house is 1 room onli. means u enter, thats your bedroom cum living room cum kitchen cum toilet. maybe just slightly bigger than the size of a prison cell. kinda a culture shock.. though we just gave them rice, milo and biscuits. u could see their eyes filled up wif gratitude.. and saying thank you non stop.. which was heart wrenching to see.. most were polite even. definitely worth the sweat man. i think i should do more.. and have more karma.. haha. it was a good experience nonetheless..

i watched blood diamond with audrey a few days b4.. ppl out there who said they din shed a tear.. u are heartless.. i admit i did shed a tear or 2.. it was just too horrible.. the child soldiers.. and the poor african ppl who were made to mine for raw diamonds.. and never even seen real diamonds in their entire life.. the scene where the innocent ppl were running back to the govt side and were killed by crossfire.. shows how bad the situation was.. but after the show i had 1 question.. di caprio dodged 10 thousand bullets! how is that possible? and the last and onli shot he sustained, he KOed. kinda amazing..

Last topic of this post, i went for my mechanic fren's gf's 21st bday just now.. i waited for an hour.. and still my fren din come.. i am kinda lost for words.. in the end, i left the place.. and kept the present.. i dunno.. im not sad.. just disappointed.. and the rest of those ppl in camp last time.. they are still his colleagues, none went. one even told me he was going. but he din even tell me he backed out until i called him today.. its sad.. are ppl really so heartless? in army, like buddy buddy go out kopi all those. but we cant even keep in contact after leaving. 2.5 years went by and i think i dun even have a good fren in army. i guess its time to move on and forget these ppl. why bother when ppl dun bother? maybe that differentiates a NSF and a regular.

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